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RCLS Outreach provides an opportunity for learning about the following target groups though training, referrals, and targeted information. The target groups as defined by New York State Education Law are:

  • Aged
  • Blind or Physical Disabilities
  • Developmental or Learning Disabilities
  • Institutionalized
  • Members of Ethnic or Minority Groups in Need of Special Services
  • Educationally Disadvantaged
  • Unemployed or in Need of Job Placement Assistance
  • Geographically Isolated

The Ramapo Catskill Library System Coordinated Outreach Services Advisory Group (COSAG)

Representatives from agencies and organizations that represent the target groups, meet to discuss topics of interest, issues and concerns that could affect libraries.

Please use the navigation on the left or click below for the Coordinated Outreach Services Advisory Group Meeting minutes and archives.