- Serving People with Disabilities ppt (RCLS Workshop 2009) [permission granted by The Self-Advocacy Association of NYS, Inc. Hawthorne, NY]
- The Association of Special Cooperative Library Agencies
- Professional Tools: Library Accessibility – What You Need to Know Tip Sheets: ( for example: mental illness, multiple disabilities, assistive technology, etc. )
- Disability Awareness: Etiquette ppt (RCLS Workshop 2009) [permission granted by Independent Living Inc. Newburgh, NY]
- Disability Resources
- Reaching Out and Around the Table: Serving People With Disabilities ppt - a presentation by Rebecca Oling from the RCLS Outreach Roundtable 9/28/10
- Ten Commandments of Etiquette [permission granted by the Self-Advocacy Association of NYS, Inc., Hawthorne, NY]
Educationally Disadvantaged
- NYS Adult Literacy Grant
- NYS Family Literacy Grant
- Core ESL Collection for Small to Medium-sized Libraries
- ESL 2012 Survey (Excel)
- Literacy and Adult Education Resources
Ethnic or Minority Groups
- Communication Skills for Library Staff: Emphasizing the Multicultural Experience
- How to Build Rapport with Multicultural Clients by Dr. Nara Venditti
- Foreign Language 2012 Survey (Excel)
Professional Tools